sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

no chocolate

Well, I went to my GP, and discovered I don't need to follow my "no salt" diet, my hypertension is no longer a issue (yay!) but what troubles me now is I have irritable bowel syndrome, and for 10 days I cannot eat dairy products (my stomach has to reorganise itself first). From now on I have to be careful of what I eat (bye for now, my sweet chocolates) (●´Д`゚●)ノ゚

Changing the subject, I'm considering to buy tickets for the Hobbit movie now while I can! the 26 of december is the release date... like a late christmas present! (*´・v・)


sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012


I loooove kraft paper. The only bad thing I find about using it is the no-resistance with water; that means I cannot use watercolors as I would like to (_)

I'm always looking for cheap kraft papers, and the other day (while in Ikea) I found this kind of wrapping paper that works like a common kraft except one side is smooth (like silk <(*ΦωΦ*)> ). I also liked the stripes.

The roll was only 2 dollars and immediatly I imagined thousands of drawings! in the end I came home with 3 rolls and a giant smile on my face (ノ゚▽゚)

(I also brought a roll of paper designed for kids that didn't say anything about crazy moms buying this stuff for themselves).

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

summer hair

(using acrylics in kraft paper... niiiiice!)

These days when the weather is hotter this kind of haircut is the best.

Too bad I'm not confident enough of how it could look, go to the hairdresser, and get rid of my own hair 