domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Don't you like cats? Specially those with fluffy tails and expressive eyes.
I love every kind of cats, well, no every, because I would never have a Sphynx; its just not normal to me!!. Now I live with three (female) cats, but none is mine, they are my mom's. The one you see above is inspired in the one called Memé and is very naughty..... When I was in Australia I longed for a "cat hug":  bury my nose on its fur and gently hug her.
Sometimes I daydream about adopting a cat for myself anf my family, but the problem is we don't have anyone we can trust to leave our pet in case we decide to leave our house on holidays!

I found a site were ragdoll cats are breed: Ragdoll Greciano, *sigh* how beautiful their cats are!

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